Sabtu, 02 April 2011

Mist Of Blood

Senja memerah puncaki segala kehidupan fana. Membuka gerbang gelap nan mencekam. Halimun jatuh bersama titak kegelapan. Membuai manusia dalam sejuta ketakutan. Darah yang mengalir tiada lagi suci. Bercampurkan dosa angkara. Dan semua telah tertitah dalam fenomena kabut berdarah.

Mist Of Blood adalah salah satu band yang mengusung genre Dark Harmonic Black Metal. Dengan memadukan sentuhan harmony Gothic dan musikalitas Black Metal terlehirlah suatu alunan musik yang begitu megah dan memilukan. Lahir tepat pada tanggal 1 Januari 2007, Mist Of Blood yang berarti kabut berdarah merupakan ungkapan dari suatu masa dimana semua kebenaran telah menjadi fana dan tiap tetes darah mengalir tanpa arti.

Sampai saat ini Mist Of Blood telah mengalami pergantian personel beberapa kali. Dan akhirnya kini Mist Of Blood terdiri dari 5 personil tetap yaitu :

Rocker ( Mistycal Night Scream)

Capinx ( Harmonical Guitar )

Akhir ( Doom of Bass)

Pandoe ( Simphonycal Keyboard )

Edoth (Destroyer of Drums )

Mist Of Blood telah memiliki beberapa lagu sendiri dengan title :

Senja Kematian

Gelap Tiada Akhir

Kuasa Tuhan

Laksa di Atas Astana

Dalam Angan dan Renungan Duka

Kesaksian Nestapa

Sampai saat ini Mist Of Blood masih eksis dalam bergerilya di panggung musik Metal seluruh Indonesia.

Possessed Band

Possessed is an American death metal band, originally formed in 1983. Noted for their fast style of playing and Jeff Becerra's guttural vocals, they have been cited as a great influence on the death metal genre.[1] In fact, the band's influence on the genre is so great, they are sometimes called the first band in the death metal genre.[2] After breaking up in 1987, and briefly reforming from 1990 to 1993, the band reformed under original bassist/vocalist Jeff Becerra in 2007.

The band originated in the San Francisco Bay Area, California in 1983, when guitarist Mike Torrao and drummer Mike Sus's garage band recruited Jeff Becerra following the suicide of vocalist Barry Fisk and departure of bassist Geoff Andrews, formerly of Exodus.[3] Brian Montana was recruited on guitar, and the first incarnation of Possessed was created. The following years were spent practicing and working on their sound by performing at local venues. After live shows with Exodus, the latter group brought the band's three-song demo recording to the attention of Brian Slagel, head of Metal Blade Records.[4][5] Slagel showed interest in the band and offered to put one of their songs on an upcoming compilation, Metal Massacre 6. The track included was titled "Swing of the Axe." Following the release of the compilation, guitarist Brian Montana left the band due to creative differences. He was replaced by Larry Lalonde. Although Metal Blade did not offer to sign the band, the compilation drew the attention of Combat Records. Possessed signed with the label and released the album Seven Churches in 1985.[4][6]

Possessed followed the release with a supporting tour which included a performance with Slayer and Venom at San Francisco's Kabuki in 1986.[7] On Halloween, 1986, Possessed released their second album, Beyond the Gates. The following May, the band issued a five-song EP titled The Eyes of Horror which marked a change in direction for the band. The Satanic themes they had become noted for were completely absent, and the songs had more of a thrash metal style than their earlier death metal. The EP was produced by guitarist Joe Satriani, and some of the songwriting was done by Lalonde, rather than Becerra and Torrao who had written most of the band's earlier material.

Shortly after the release of the Eyes of Horror EP the band disbanded. In 1990, Jeff Becerra was paralyzed from the waist down following a shooting incident.[8]

Mike Torrao reformed Possessed in 1990 with new line-ups consisting of former members of Machine Head and Pro-Pain. They recorded two demos before dissolving in 1993. Mike Torrao has said he feels it was not Possessed, but merely playing under the Possessed name.

In 2007, it was announced Jeff Becerra would be performing under the "Possessed" name at the Wacken Open Air festival and would be backed by all members of Sadistic Intent, one of the bands featured on the Possessed tribute, and would also headline the Gathering of the Bestial Legions III festival in Los Angeles. This same lineup also performed at Maryland Deathfest VIII in May 2010.After a tour with Danzig and Marduk in the U.S. Rick and Bay Cortez alongside with Ernesto Bueno left the band rendering Jeff and Emilio sole members. In February 2011 the band now features Pessimist guitarist Kelly McLauchlin, Asesino bassist Tony Campos and Nailshitter guitarist Dan Gonzalez as new in their ranks.

At least three Possessed members who had written and recorded with the band at some point (vocalist/bassist Becerra, guitarist Torrao and guitarist Montana) cite early Exodus and Venom as their main influences, in addition to NWOBHM acts like Motörhead, Iron Maiden, and Judas Priest.[9][10] Although Allmusic attributed Slayer as being a musical influence for 1985's Seven Churches,[11] the first Slayer album Show No Mercy had not been released until December 1983, shortly after members of Possessed were already writing material for their demo and debut album. Lyrically, most of Possessed's songs focused on Satanism and death.

Morbid Angel

Morbid Angel adalah Death Metal band dari Tampa, Florida, Amerika Serikat yang didirikan pada tahun 1984 oleh Trey Azagthoth (gitar, keyboard).

Lirik Morbid Angel kebanyakan terfokus pada tema satanisme, ilmu sihir, anti-Christian dan penyembahan berhala.

Album mereka dirilis dalam urutan abjad, album pertama mereka dimulai dengan huruf "A" (Altars of Madness), yang kedua dengan "B" (Blessed Are the Sick), dan seterusnya.

Morbid Angel bersama dengan Death, Obituary, Possessed, Massacre, Deicide, Cannibal Corpse dan band-band lainnya mengembangkan musik Death Metal secara standar, memisahkannya dari genre Thrash Metal.

Anggota :

Trey Azagthoth – Gitar, Keyboard (1983–Sekarang)
David Vincent – Bass, Vokal (1986–1996, 2004–Sekarang)
Pete Sandoval – Drum (1988–Sekarang)
Destructhor – Gitar (2008–Sekarang)

Mantan anggota :

Dallas Ward – Bass, Vokal (1983–1985)
Mike Browning – Drum, Vokal (1983–1986)
Kenny Bamber – Vokal (1985)
John Ortega – Bass (1985–1986)
Richard Brunelle – Gitar (1985–1992, 1994, 1998)
Michael Manson – Vokal (1986)
Sterling Von Scarborough – Bass (1986)
Wayne Hartsell – Drum (1986–1988)
Gino Marino – Gitar (1992–1993)
Erik Rutan – Gitar, Keyboard (1993–1996, 1999–2002, 2006)
Steve Tucker – Vokal, Bass (1997–2001, 2003–2004)
Jared Anderson – Vokal, Bass (2001–2002)
Tony Norman – Gitar (2003–2006)

Diskografi :

Altars of Madness (1989)
Abominations of Desolation [demo] (1991)
Blessed Are the Sick (1991)
Covenant (1993)
Laibach Re-mixes [EP] (1994)
Domination (1995)
Entangled in Chaos [live] (1996)
Formulas Fatal to the Flesh (1998)
Gateways to Annihilation (2000)
Heretic (2003)
Illud Divinum Insanus (2011)

Jumat, 01 April 2011

Cannibal Corpse

Cannibal Corpse adalah Death Metal band dari Buffalo, New York, Amerika Serikat, yang didirikan oleh Chris Barnes (vokal), Jack Owen (gitar), Bob Rusay (rhythm), Alex Webster (bass) dan Paul Mazurkiewicz (drum) pada tahun 1988.

Cannibal Corpse adalah Death Metal band paling sukses dengan menjual lebih dari satu juta keping album di dunia tanpa masuk ke radio atau televisi. Cannibal Corpse adalah salah satu Death Metal band yang paling tahan lama.

Cannibal Corpse awalnya terinspirasi oleh Thrash Metal band seperti Slayer, Kreator, dan Sodom, serta Death Metal band seperti Morbid Angel, Death, Monstrosity, Six Feet Under, Hate Eternal, Blotted Science, Nevermore, Malevolent Creation, Paths of Possession, Solstice, dan Deicide.

Lirik Cannibal Corpse bertemakan tentang kekerasan, kematian, penyiksaan, kanibalisme, sihir, dan agama.

Menurut Alex Webster (bass)Cannibal Corpse saat ini sedang menulis sebuah album studio ke-dua belas mereka, yang rencananya akan direkam pada bulan September 2011 dan dirilis pada awal 2012.

Cannibal Corpse juga akan merilis DVD live berjudul "Global Evisceration" yang rencananya akan dirilis tanggal tanggal 15 Maret 2011.

Anggota :

George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher [Ex. Paths of Possession, Monstrosity] - Vokal (1995-)
Patrick O'Brien [Ex. Nevermore, Monstrosity, Ceremony, Chastain, Prizoner] - Gitar (1997-)
Rob Barrett [Ex. Eulogy, Malevolent Creation, Hateplow, Solstice] - Rhythm (1993-1997, 2005-)
Alex Webster [Ex. Blotted Science, Hate Eternal, Beyond Death, Alas] - Bass (1988-)
Paul Mazurkiewicz [Ex. Path of Man, Tirant Sin] - Drum (1988-)

Mantan Anggota :

Chris Barnes [Six Feet Under, Tirant Sin, Torture Killer, Leviathan] - Vokal (1988-1995)
Jack Owen [Deicide, Beyond Death, Adrift, Estuary, Grave Descent] - Gitar (1988-2004)
Bob Rusay [Tirant Sin] - Rhythm (1988-1993)
Jeremy Turner [Origin, Unmerciful] - Gitar (Live 2004-2005)

Diskografi :

Cannibal Corpse [demo] (1989)
Eaten Back to Life (1990)
Butchered at Birth (1991)
Tomb of the Mutilated (1992)
Hammer Smashed Face [EP] (1993)
The Bleeding (1994)
Created to Kill [demo] (1995)
Devoured by Vermin [single] (1995)
Vile (1996)
Deadly Tracks [kompilasi] (1997)
Monolith of Death [video] (1997)
Gallery of Suicide (1998)
Bloodthirst (1999)
Sacrifice / Confessions [single] (2000)
Live Cannibalism [video] (2000)
Live Cannibalism [live] (2000)
Gore Obsessed (2002)
Classic Cannibal Corpse [box sets] (2002)
Live Cannibalism - Ultimate Edition [DVD] (2002)
Worm Infested [EP] (2003)
15 Year Killing Spree [box sets] (2003)
The Wretched Spawn (2004)
Kill (2006)
Centuries of Torment: The First 20 Years [DVD] (2008)
Evisceration Plague [single] (2009)
Evisceration Plague (2009)
Digital Box Set [box sets] (2009)
Global Evisceration [DVD] (2011)

Biografi "Siksa Kubur"

SIKSA KUBUR pertama kali di bentuk pada july 1996. Nama ini diambil dari band yang menjadi tolak ukur mereka dalam bermusik yaitu SEPULTURA yang berarti kuburan band memulai debut nya dari event-event
Dibulan july hingga september tahun 1996 SIKSAKUBUR mulai masuk studio rekaman yang bernama K-studio yang mengemas 9 lagu yang dituangkan dalam sebuah album THE CARNAGE yang dirilis dan didistribusikan oleh EXTREME SOUL PRODUCTION dalam sebuah kaset & CD. Album ini mendapat tanggapan yang positif dari kalangan pemerhati musik UNDERGROUND khususnya album ini terjual 1000 keping CD & 500 copy kaset, walaupun kwalitas dari album ini sangat kurang dikarenakan minimnya perlengkapan studio rekaman.

Sukses dengan album pertamanya bulan November 2001 SIKSAKUBUR merekam 9 lagu dan dibubuhi 1 (intro) yang dituangkan kedalam album kedua BACK TO VENGEANCE yang didistribusikan oleh ROTTREVORE records dalam sebuah format kaset, penjualan album ini termasuk fantastis dalam kurun waktu 1 bulan telah terjual 750 copy kaset walaupun hasil rekaman inipun masih kurang sempurna tapi lebih baik dari album pertama. SIKSAKUBUR mulai merambah event- event di Indonesia khususnya dipulau jawa hingga bali.

Formasi album THE CARNAGE and BACK TO VENGEANCE adalah Japra (vocal), Andyan gorust (Drum), Ade godel (gitar), Burgenk (Bass) tapi setelah album kedua dirilis ADE GODEL mengundurkan diri dari SIKSAKUBUR karena tidak bisa membagi waktunya dengan band, disusul dengan BURGENK yang mengundurkan diri dari band karena harus melanjutkan study keluar negeri. Posisi ini di gantikan oleh Andre yang juga gitaris REVITOL dan Yudhi bebek ex- AUTHORITY, dengan formasi ini SIKSAKUBUR mengeluarkan album ke tiga yang bertitel EYE CRY album ini dirilis dan didistribusikan oleh ROTTREVORE records dalam format CD dan KASET album inilah yang membuat SIKSAKUBUR mendapat perhatian lebih dari media massa dan elektronik.

SIKSAKUBUR merambah event-event bukan hanya event UNDERGROUND saja tapi event yang bukan UNDERGROUND sampai pentas seni sekolah SIKSAKUBUR menjadi headliner dalam acara tersebut ini sebagai bukti bahwa musik DEATH METAL yang dimainkan oleh SIKSAKUBUR mulai mendapat perhatian lebih, bukan hanya di Indonesia tapi hingga mancanegara khususnya SINGAPURA dan MALAYSIA. Karena july tahun 2005 lalu SIKSAKUBUR menjadi headline pada sebuah event metal di singapura. Album THE CARNAGE dan BACK TO VENGEANCE akhirnya dirilis oleh FROM BEYOND record (belanda) ini adalah sub label dari DISPLASEDrec yang merupakan salah satu label METAL besar di amerika album ini dikemas kedalam bentuk CD yang didistribusikan Bukan hanya di ASIA tapi benua EROPA dan AMERIKA.